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Modern Mining ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 47-.

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Comprehensive Room-pillar Mining and Process Optimization of Gently Inclined Thin Ore Body in Chang'an Gold Mine

LIU Yongwen1 ZHOU Zonghong2 ZHANG Junyang2 HE Hong1 YANG Shidong1   

  1. 1. Jinping Changan Mining Co.,Ltd.,Yunnan Gold Mining Group; 2. Faculty of Land Resource Engineer⁃ ing,Kunming University of Science and Technology
  • Online:2023-04-25 Published:2023-05-25

Abstract: The ore bodies below 1 500 m in Chang′an ore section are slightly inclined-inclined,extremely thin-medium thick ore bodies,with complex occurrence forms and complex mining conditions. According to the geological conditions of the deposit and the economic conditions of mining technology,an improved comprehensive room-pillar method is proposed by combining the advantages of the comprehensive method and the room-pillar method. Based on the results of rock mass quality classification,the empirical formula is used to calculate and analyze the structural parameters of the stope. The reasonable stope span is 8.5~12.5 m,the roof exposure area is 700 m2,the column diameter is 3 m,and the spacing is 6~7 m. The scheme has received good application results and can be used as a reference for similar mines.

Key words: gently inclined thin orebody, comprehensive room-pillar method, pillar size, mine room span